>> I have compiled a Linux ncurses gcc application on Cygwin. Everything works
>> fine except for curs_set(0) calls which do not hide the cursor on text mode
>> terminals (they work on X though). Does anybody know of a way to achieve
>> this, even if it's not a portable solution?
>What terminals have you tried running it in? There's a DEC control
>sequence called DECTCEM for hiding or showing the cursor, which is
>implemented in mintty (the default Cygwin terminal), xterm, rxvt, and
>presumably others.
>However, it isn't implemented in the Cygwin console layer used when
>running a Cygwin program in a console window. (It could probably be
>implemented in the Cygwin DLL using Windows' SetConsoleCursorInfo()

Well, I've tried using things like printf("\e[?25l") and
printf("\e[?25h") in my code, if that's what you mean.
But, yes, just like curs_set(), it only works on terminals
running in graphics mode, not in the console windows.

I wonder why it hasn't been implemented.



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