On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:00:16AM +0900, jojelino wrote:
>Caused by executing following command and ctrl+c to interrupt in bash shell.
>sh -c "cd /tmp/openjpeg/src/bin/jp2 && /usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gcc.exe 
>  -DOPJ_EXPORTS -ffast-math -O3 -DNDEBUG 
>@CMakeFiles/opj_compress.dir/includes_C.rsp   -o 
>CMakeFiles/opj_compress.dir/convert.c.obj   -c 
>SleepEx is being spammed across threads. some thread got tls lock but 
>didn't released it.
>how can i fix the problem?

Sorry but there is no useful information here.

How about providing some basic details like:

1) What version of Cygwin you're running.

2) A reproducer that doesn't involve downloading a large package and
(apparently) running configure.


You can also forgo the gdb backtraces.  It is almost never useful to
include those in a bug report.


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