On 2013-01-16 AM 11:14, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 08:46:46PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
Sorry, the backtraces were actually useful because they show that you
are apparently running cygwin-snapshot-20130107.  Apparently you haven't
been watching the discussion about this issue in the Cygwin list.  The
problem of a Cygwin process hanging after a single CTRL-C should be
fixed in later snapshots although there is another reported CTRL-C


now i found hang where the argument of program was sed s/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/ with newer cygwin snapshot.

(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 4 (Thread 12972.0x382c):
#0  0x7c95a22a in ntdll!DbgBreakPoint ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
#1  0x7c97fc68 in ntdll!DbgUiRemoteBreakin ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
#2  0x00000005 in ?? ()
#3  0x00000001 in ?? ()
#4  0x003effd0 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Thread 2 (Thread 12972.0x32c8):
#0  0x7c96845c in ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
#1  0x7c9678c9 in ntdll!ZwSetInformationThread ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
#2  0x7c8324f9 in SetThreadPriority ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
#3  0x6108760b in yield ()
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/miscfuncs.cc:244
#4  0x610d6ee4 in _cygtls::lock() () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
#5  0x6103035e in sigpacket::setup_handler (this=0x6cac34,
handler=0x6102fe30 <signal_exit(int, siginfo_t*)>, siga=..., tls=0x22ce64)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/exceptions.cc:796
#6  0x61031a48 in sigpacket::process (this=0x6cac34)
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/exceptions.cc:1274
#7  0x610dd2dc in wait_sig ()
    at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/sigproc.cc:1389
#8  0x61003ea5 in cygthread::callfunc (this=0x6118b400 <threads>,
    issimplestub=<optimized out>)
    at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/cygthread.cc:51
#9  0x6100442f in cygthread::stub (arg=0x6118b400 <threads>)
    at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/cygthread.cc:93
#10 0x6100538d in _cygtls::call2 (this=<optimized out>,
    func=0x610043e0 <_ZN9cygthread4stubEPv@4>, arg=0x6118b400 <threads>,
buf=0x6100551b <_cygtls::call(unsigned long (*)(void*, void*), void*)+91>)
    at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/cygtls.cc:99
#11 0x006cffb8 in ?? ()
#12 0x7c82484f in KERNEL32!GetModuleHandleA ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
#13 0x00000000 in ?? ()

Thread 1 (Thread 12972.0x2f38):
#0  0x7c96845c in ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
#1  0x7c9678c9 in ntdll!ZwSetInformationThread ()
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/ntdll.dll
#2  0x7c8324f9 in SetThreadPriority ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll
#3  0x6108764d in yield ()
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/miscfuncs.cc:253
#4  0x610d6dcc in _sigfe () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
#5  0x61083a40 in mallinfo ()
at /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/malloc_wrapper.cc:2
#6  0x6123e9a0 in saved_categories () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
#7  0x00000000 in ?? ()

(gdb) x 7ffdd000+4
0x7ffdd004:     0x00230000
(gdb) x ((_cygtls*)(0x00230000-319c))->stackptr
0x22da30:       0x61083ac9
(gdb) i line *0x61083ac9
Line 290 of "/netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20130118-1/winsup/cygwin/malloc_wrapper
.cc" starts at address 0x61083ac9 <malloc_init()+57>
   and ends at 0x61083ad3 <malloc_init()+67>.

It seems that malloc_init called sigfe-annotated malloc or free during wait_sig thread tried to process exit signal.


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