On 1/24/2013 1:08 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

I was not clear.
Also rebasing with a different address make no difference

It does for me:

   $ rebase -b 0x40000000 dict_snowball.dll
   Segmentation fault
   $ rebase -b 0x50000000 dict_snowball.dll
   Segmentation fault
   $ rebase -b 0x40000000 dict_snowball.dll
   Segmentation fault

same here, but with -O it works differently

$ rebase  -O -b 0x60000000 dict_snowball.dll
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

$ rebase  -O -b 0x40000000 dict_snowball.dll

$ rebase  -O -b 0x50000000 dict_snowball.dll

What I am missing ?



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