On 01/29/2013 05:30 PM, Reini Urban wrote:
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 1:52 AM, marco atzeri  wrote:
On 1/26/2013 7:32 AM, Reini Urban wrote:
rebase is not to blame. I agree ;-)
Someone else is incorrectly managing the reloc table,
and also objcopy seems innocent ...

Postgresql dll's are built in this way:

My strong guess is dllwrap.
No other packages uses the ancient dllwrap anymore.
I tried to get rid of it, but got stuck somewhere else.

Hi Reini,
I agree dllwrap seems the coolprit, and "gcc -shared"
seems a better alternative, at least on a single test with this dll.

I looked on the postgresql makefiles and it is a big mess to
replace dllwrap; upstream is crazy, they crippled configure
forcing a specific version and refusing to use Automake.

Autoconf+Automake will be a much cleaner approach, and will
allow to avoid at all the platform checks.
Yes, I had the same impression but it is unfortunately not realistic.
I worked against dllwrap removal but got stuck somewhere.
When I find my old patches I'll hand it over to you. Just came back
from holidays.

I will be very happy to work with you to remove the use of dllwrap etc. for cygwin. Since I'm a Postgres committer (and the only one interested in Cygwin at all) I'm in a good position to do this. I believe the Postgres project had problems in the past with automake and made a decision long ago not to use it, so we're not going down that route. However, that surely need not stop us from getting this working.



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