On 05/04/2013 12:22, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> Just for completeness...
> This morning I have installed the test release of GCC-4.7 (4.7.2-1) and
> after that a few applications do not work any more.
> For example, Terminator, installed via Cygwinports, does not start. From
> command line I have:
> $ terminator
> You need to install the python bindings for gobject, gtk and pango to
> run Terminator.

> I have also a GTK-build of Emacs trunk and
> $ emacs -Q
> /usr/local/emacs/bin/emacs-24.3.50.exe: error while loading shared
> libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  This looks like the quickest point to try tracking it down.  Does cygcheck
on the exe show any missing DLLs?

> Reverting to GCC-4.5.3 all works fine.
> BTW, I did the Emacs build using CLANG (3.1, i386-pc-cygwin), so I don't
> understand much why the new GCC-4.7 interferes with Emacs.

  Did you install the manually-required runtime libs as well?


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