Dave Korn wrote:
I have also a GTK-build of Emacs trunk and

$ emacs -Q

/usr/local/emacs/bin/emacs-24.3.50.exe: error while loading shared
libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  This looks like the quickest point to try tracking it down.  Does cygcheck
on the exe show any missing DLLs?

I am afraid, I have reinstalled GCC-4.5.3 so I can't do it... "quickest"

Did you install the manually-required runtime libs as well?

I don't understand here. I have installed GCC-4.7.2-1 with setup.exe choosing "Exp" packages and then leaving only 4.7.2-1 for installation. Which runtime libs it needs? "manually-required"?

Shouldn't test packages be installed only with setup.exe? I am confused now... :-(


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