
So I have some code I am trying to port to Cygwin but I am getting the

fatal error in forked process - failed to create new win32 semaphore,
Win32 error 87

when calling fork() in a C program when openmp code has been used
beforehand. I've got the following test code which reduces the problem
down to as little code as I could:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main(void)
     pid_t childPID;

     #pragma omp parallel
         printf("I'm an openmp thread...\n");

     childPID =3D fork();

     if(childPID >=3D 0) {
         if(childPID =3D=3D 0) {
             printf("Child fork\n");
         } else {
             printf("Parent fork\n");
     } else {
         printf("Fork failed");
         return 1;

     return 0;

To build I just use "gcc -fopenmp para.c" and the output I get is...

I'm an openmp thread...
I'm an openmp thread...
I'm an openmp thread...
I'm an openmp thread...
Parent fork 0 [main] a 18640 D:\usr\code\c\a.exe: *** fatal error
in forked process - failed to create new win32 semaphore, Win32 error

I have tried doing a rebaseall as I had similar error in the past but it
didn't fix it. I have also tried a clean install on a separate Windows
2008 R2 machine which didn't work either.

The version of GCC is 4.7.3 and I am on Windows 8 Professional
64-bit, Cygwin 1.7.20(0.266/5/3).


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