On Jul 23 15:08, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jul 23 13:28, Daniel Brown wrote:
> > and that still had the fork error. I have also tried running in safe
> > mode and
> > stopping all my anti-virus software just incase that was interfering
> > somehow.
> > So I get as an output now...
> > 
> > Daniel@XPS15z ~
> > $ uname -r
> > 1.7.22s(0.268/5/3)
> > 
> > Daniel@XPS15z ~
> > $ ./a.exe
> > I'm an openmp thread...
> > I'm an openmp thread...
> > I'm an openmp thread...
> > I'm an openmp thread...
> > Parent fork 1 [main] a 5832 C:\cygwin\home\Daniel\a.exe: *** fatal
> > error in forked process - failed
> > to create new win32 semaphore, currentvalue -2, Win32 error 87
> > 
> > However if I reduce the number of threads from 4 to 2 with:
> > 
> > #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
> > {
> > printf("I'm an openmp thread...\n");
> > }
> Ah, now there's something different.  If I set the number of threads to
> 4, I can reproduce this problem almost every try with currentvalue -2,
> occassionally with currentvalue -1.
> > Looking at the source in thread.cc _fixup_after_fork() the win32
> > which is due to currentvalue < 0.
> > 
> > My only guess is that there is a race condition on the
> > currentvalue-- operations perhaps?
> Apparently.  I investigate...

Yes, there was a race condition in setting the value of the semaphore
private "currentvalue" member.  The only reason to keep track of the
value is to allow _fixup_after_fork to set the right value, but here the
race comes into play.  I redesigned this part so that it only sets
currentvalue once, right from fork itself, to propagate the correct
value to the child process.

I'm just building new 32 and 64 bit snapshots.  They should be available
on http://cygwin.com/snapshots/ in an hour at the latest.  Please give
it a try.


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