On 10/8/2013 18:30, Don Hatch wrote:
On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 05:48:53PM -0600, Warren Young wrote:
On 10/8/2013 04:22, Don Hatch wrote:

Checking in a text file of size >= 256k
corrupts the rcs file, irretrievably losing most of the contents

It's documented in the rcs NEWS file:

That quote certainly doesn't describe or justify the very serious
corruption bug I'm seeing in any way;

I'm not trying to justify it. I'm just pointing out that you have an expedient workaround for the bug which lets you run on current versions of Cygwin rcs.

it would be really good if the feature
could be backed out, and possibly re-introduced at a later time
after it has been re-worked so that doesn't break the product.

If the bug affects GNU rcs on all platforms, it needs to be fixed upstream. Then Cygwin rcs will get the fix when the Cygwin rcs package maintainer updates the packages.

If the bug is in the Cygwin rcs port or in Cygwin itself, the actual bug needs to be fixed, rather than hack out the feature that tickles the bug.

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