On 09/10/2013 9:37 AM, Warren Young wrote:
On 10/9/2013 01:05, Don Hatch wrote:
Would it be possible to simply declare 5.8 DOA

The Cygwin package system allows one to mark 5.8-1 as obsolete, but I don't know if it can be told "and downgrade to 5.7-11".

If not, can we make a 5.9 that's identical to 5.7,

If a new Cygwin package had to come out based on 5.7, it would be called 5.7-12, not 5.9. GNU rcs 5.9 already exists. (The current upstream release is 5.9.1.) Cygwin packages generally leave the upstream revision numbers unmolested.
Or, just roll a 5.8-2 that happens to be compiled from 5.7 sources, or from 5.8 sources with the optimization disabled. I suspect it would be trivial to disable the optimization in the 5.8 code base. The old behavior was almost certainly disk-only, meaning that the bug lies in the transition from using the buffer to using disk. Disable buffer usage completely and the bug goes away.


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