On Dec  6 20:04, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 03:48:33PM -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:
> >(Please correct me if I've misstated the relationships between Red
> >Hat, Fedora and Cygwin.)
> This isn't a Red Hat project.  It's an open source project staffed by
> volunteers like Yaakov.  We do tend to base our decisions on how things
> work on Linux because that's what the project has come to be modelled
> after.  Red Hat has nothing to do with it.  If Red Hat was actually
> calling the shots I wouldn't be here.

To clarify what cgf is saying here:

The Cygwin DLL and thus the core Cygwin package is a Red Hat item in the
sense that Red Hat is holding the copyrights to the package.  Red Hat
participates in the distro in three ways:

1. Me.  I'm one of the maintainers of the Cygwin core package and
   I maintain a number of distro packages.  My time I spent with Cygwin
   is basically paid by Red Hat.

2. Some of my collegues usally not dedicated to Cygwin do some jobs in
   the background, like the two collegues who helped with the 64 bit
   port, or one of my collegues currently working on an extension to the
   binutils project for the sake of Cygwin.

3. Red Hat is making money with Cygwin by providing service and the
   Buyout-license(*).  This in turn is paying me and my collegues so we
   can perform 1 and 2.

Here's where cgf's point is coming in: None of the above influence the
way how the Cygwin distro as a whole is handled.  The distro is entirely
voluntary-driven.  And we're trying to make the Cygwin distro reflect
other Linux-distros (often, but not always, Fedora) if possible.


(*) http://cygwin.com/licensing.html

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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