>> -> Larry wrote:
>>> Certainly this would have the potential to interfere with any existing
>>> Cygwin installation.
>> I have read that you can have more than one installation of cywgin in
>> a single machine...
> Yes, if it is managed properly.  If not, bad things can still happen
> which will most likely lead to confusion and questions, most probably
> directed to this list.  This leads to another aspect you would have to take
> into account with your distribution - how will you support it and how
> will your users know to consult your support avenues rather than the
> ones available at cygwin.com?

This is a good point of view, where I can't have a "good answer".
What I can tell you is that I can support only the installation itself
(msi + start shortcuts). If they have problems with the "AdminCygwin
, they must install cygwin from setup.exe, and try to reproduce the
problem. If the problem persists, ask here,  everywhere, google ....

> Yes, I understand you fine, thanks.  So it sounds like you're mostly
> interested in providing bash and other default Cygwin utilities to
> admins.

Yes, basically bash:  It is the main idea.

> In addition, you want to give them BGINFO4X.

Yes, I want to take the "admincygwin release", fork with BGINFO4X, and
create another package.

And Why I want to use the "admincygwin release" instead of building
all together like I did until now? Two reasosns:

1- Perhaps others can benefit from the release.
2- Improvements on the release will improve also the base of BGINFO4X.

>  From looking at BGINFO4X at the SF site, it looks like another viable option 
> > > would be to create a BGINFO4X package for Cygwin.  Then there would be > 
> > no conflict with existing or future installs of Cygwin, the install and 
> upgrade > > >mechanism  would always be the same (setup*.exe), it would be a 
> supported >package within this forum (through you), and you could even 
> provide a >separate install script leveraging setup*.exe to install only the 
> packages you >want to promote (through your own site) if you want.  See the 
> link below
> if you're interested in exploring this option in more detail:

Creating a cygwin package is "another question". I will put on my TODO list.

Is not the same that I'm trying to accomplish: easy installatation of
the product via msi. Setup.exe is not by nerds. :)

In fact, but this is another question, setup.exe is a way of
installing software not recommende by Microsoft. But please, don't
hung me by this comment, is what Microsoft says, and probably they are
right (msi packgages on my opinion have some advantages).

I'm not an expert of packaging so I can't help you with a replacement
of setup.exe via msi, but that could be an option, at least an idea.

I probably now that you are not interested on such things, but is the
way to go on the microsoft world.

Perhaps, the creator Rob Mensching, the creator of Wix (released as
open sorce) could help.

Next time I will move the discussion to the cygwin-talk list.

Thanks for your time.

> <http://cygwin.com/setup.html>
> I think this approach would allow you to reach the goals you stated above
> and fits in with the normal Cygwin infrastructure, making things easier
> for everyone.
> --
> Larry
> _____________________________________________________________________
> A: Yes.
>> Q: Are you sure?
>>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
> --
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