On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 06:48:02PM +0100, BGINFO4X wrote:
>>>Hello everyone,
>>>I'm trying to create a "Small Admin Cywgin relase", called AdminCgwin.
>>>If it works, I will upload to sourceforge.
>>>These are the main lines:
>>>1- Create an installation windows package (.msi) with WIX.
>>>2- Default Installed packages: base + admin + apt-cyg.
>>>The remaining packages should be installed via apt-cyg
>> Remember that you have to host all of the source code as well as the
>> binaries.
>Why do I neeed to host all the source code?  the sources are not
>necessary to produce my binaries ... I don't compile any ...

Because that is how the GPL works.  If you provide binaries, you
provide sources.  This is basic stuff that you should know if you
are planning a forked Cygwin release or any sort of distribution
of open source binaries.

>> I think it's more problem
>I see it as a "bash package" ready to be used by Win Admins ...
>than it is worth and is likely to cause
>> confusion within the Cygwin community.
>I don't see that point of view: This is not a fork of cygwin, only is
>a "Windows package of cygwin". It is "pure" cygwin.

You're taking our packages, doing something with them and making them
available on another site.  i.e., you're forking our release.

You're actually treading on thin ice here since you are trying to get
help for a release that is not the subject of this mailing list.  That
makes this whole discussion pretty much off-topic.

And that's another issue.  We definitely will not be providing support
for anyone who wanders in here looking for help with problems they
encounter with your packages.
Christopher Faylor                      spammer? ->     aaas...@sourceware.org
Cygwin Co-Project Leader                                aaas...@duffek.com

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