> > Q2: Why doesn't it automatically mount the network drives?

> It does.

Thank you for your constructive reply. We can go around the "It does/doesn't" 
loop for some time, if you like.

While it may do on your machine, it is of course entirely possible that, sat at 
my machine, I am unable to access network drives through the file system as I 
have done previously.

Forgive me for attempting to drill into it by, for example, attempting to "cd 
/cygdrive/h" and receiving an error message.

I urge you not to reply messages that you feel are beneath you; it saves 
everybody's time, not least yours.

> Please remove this crap from list mails, thank you.

I have no control over it. Please feel free to simply ignore it.

> Sorry for my terrible english...

It's not the English that's the problem, it's the basic rudeness. Perhaps this 
is not as helpful place as I thought.

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