> Can you please do the following commands in order (native windows console 
> preferred, but not necessary):
> net use

    % net use
    New connections will be remembered.

    Status       Local     Remote                    Network

    Unavailable  H:        \\brt1itssrv003\homes\daharty
                                                   Microsoft Windows Network
    Unavailable  Z:        \\wym1itsnas001\cae3\adams_db
                                                    Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.

> subst

    % subst


> cd /cygdrive/h

    % cd /cygdrive/h
    /cygdrive/h: No such file or directory.

> explorer H:\\

    (opens the drive correctly)

> Close the window in either case. net use; subst; cd /cygdrive/h (does it work 
> now?)

   2nd lap exactly reproduces the results of the first lap.

> Also, a crucial moment - do you use a terminal session, or your machine is 
> physically present at the place, and you are logging to its desktop as normal?

I am sat at the laptop keyboard running the laptop in question. I log into its 
Windows desktop in the normal fashion.

So, to recap:

- Windows can see the networked drives just fine.
- Cygwin knows about them but declares them unavailable.

Since I don't know what I don't know, I am unable to fashion a precision 
question to proceed further, except to ask "what stands between me and the 
ability to make the network drives available from within cygwin?"

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