> My experience with cygwin is that if I can open a DOS command window and 
> successfully do:
>dir k:
> Drive "k" will be accessible as /cygdrive/k

*Until now* that has been my experience also...

Check this out for "curiouser and curiouser":

Start a command shell from inside Cygwin:

     % /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Then run "net use"

    C:\cygwin\home\daharty>net use
    net use
    New connections will be remembered.

    Status       Local     Remote                    Network

    Unavailable  H:        \\brt1itssrv003\homes\daharty
                                                    Microsoft Windows Network
    Unavailable  Z:        \\wym1itsnas001\cae3\adams_db
                                                    Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.


The Cygwin icon (installed by the installer and nothing to do with me) has the 
following properties:

    C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -t "Cygwin" -

If at the DOS prompt I run, say, c:\cygwin\bin\tcsh.exe -l and try "net use" 
then all is in order with that command. This is a minty issue; I need not to be 
using mintty.


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