(GMail won't let me stick a References: header in; the thread here
was from [1].)

> Bash 4.2 is *still* using the old and long deprecated
> cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path function.  It should long have changed
> the call to use the cygwin_conv_path or cygwin_create_path function.
> Eric?  Any chance to update bash?

The mailing list search engine can't find any further messages past
this one.  Were there any?  Bash 4.2 is three years old this month,
we'd love to start using it on Cygwin.  :-)

If there's work already done then we can wait; if not then one of us might
try and kludge something together locally.

[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-12/msg00215.html

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