Hi Cygwin Team

As reply for my Post: aplay (audio) support for cygwin - solution
I got the hint to: " Install the Cygwin packages 'sox' and 'sox-fmt-*' "

But installation of these sox packages is broken!
I tried it on 3 computers and i have successfull installed Cygwin many
times before.
Error Message: "Download incomplete! Try agian? Yes/No" (at 99%)
Retry does not fix it.

my 3 Windows Computer, all Cygwin 1.7.28 - 32 bit:
a) Windows XP, 32bit
b) Windows 7 - 64bit, 1 year old installation of cygwin
c) Windows 7 - 64bit, 1 week new installation of cygwin - different location

I tried different german ftp*.de servers - same problem.
Always broken at 99%. Never had this problem before!

On Computer (b) I somehow made the package install:
After some retries with different servers I got a warning of an older
setup.ini and I could install it.
But after (export AUDIODRIVER=ao ; play ding.wav)
I see messages indicating successfull playing and application is waiting
the time the wav-file takes,
but no sound. But I can hear the sound using VLC-win32 or WindowsMediaPlayer.
Of course I tried different wav files.


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