On 24/02/2014 17:27, Dr. Alexander Kleinsorge wrote:
But after (export AUDIODRIVER=ao ; play ding.wav)
I see messages indicating successfull playing and application is waiting
the time the wav-file takes,
but no sound. But I can hear the sound using VLC-win32 or WindowsMediaPlayer.

You could try using the pulseaudio driver, but this requires a little setting up. Firstly, make sure you have speakers and a microphone connected to your PC (pulseaudio will not be able to function unless you have input and output devices connected). Then set up some permissions:

    chown -R "username" "/home/username"
    chmod 755 "/home/username"
    rm -rf /tmp/pulse* ~/.pulse-cookie ~/.config/pulse

where 'username' is your user name. You will only have to do the above once. Then play your sound file:

    export AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio
    play ding.wav

And prepare to be dinged unto. When you've finished playing sounds, kill the pulseaudio server:

    pulseaudio -k

This assumes that 'play' will start the pulseaudio server for you. If you get errors from the 'play' command, try starting the pulseaudio server manually:


I know very little about pulseaudio, but the above works for me. If you still don't have any joy then you'll have to fall back to your VB wav player.



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