On 2/25/2014 13:55, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Feb 25 13:52, Jim Burwell wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed after installing an update the Cygwin64 appears to ignore
>> the contents of the shell field in /etc/passwd.  I normally run
>> /bin/tcsh as my shell, and changing this field used to result in any new
>> login shells running tcsh.  Now it just runs bash regardless.
>> Has something changed?
> No.  Works for me.  Do you start `mintty -'?
> Corinna
Interestingly, it works as expected with mintty, but not with xterm,
uxterm, uterm.

Was going to try rxvt, but noticed it's not in Cygwin64.

It also works when I ssh into my cygwin.

So appears to be a problem with xterm and related?

 - Jim

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