On 2/26/2014 16:29, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 07:26:59PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> The common case would be for a shell to show up in /etc/shells.  Under
>> Fedora adds the shell to /etc/shells when the shell package is
>> installed.  I don't see any reason for us to do anything different.
> Rephrasing that in English:
> Under Fedora, shells add themselves to /etc/shells file when they are
> installed.
> cgf
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Yep.  At least for common shells.  If someone is super security
conscious, they can police their /etc/shells file.  But the most common
usage would be to simply allow a shell that's installed, since if a
person installed a shell, you can safely presume they want to use it.

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