On 2/26/2014 5:07 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Weird, I was pretty sure we already have an /etc/shells file installed
by default.  Apparently not.  So, shan't we add one?


The base-files package would be a good place to be.  David?

Currently inetutils-server provides /etc/defaults/etc/shells. If that file is required by base functionality now, then I've no problem removing it and modifying inetutils' postinstall/preremove scripts. But we'll need to synchronize the uploads of inetutils-server-$next and base-files-$next.

Speaking of base-files, version 4.1-2 has been in test now for over two years...works fine here and fixes a problem with $TEMP and other "standard" variable names: 4.1-1 set both $TEMP and $temp, but these are not distinguished by native processes, leading to confusion if a native process reset $TEMP (but not $temp).


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