On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:51 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Except for the lack of an advertised bugzilla link at the Cygwin web
> page, Cygwin is like every one of the other projects hosted at
> sourceware.org/gcc.gnu.org.  This includes thriving projects like gcc,
> binutils, gdb, and others.  All of the developers in those projects were
> able to figure out how to find CVS (svn, git) web information and,
> eventually, check out their stuff.

I see now you have Stockholm Syndrome with CVS. Perhaps you missed the question,
so I will repeat it:

Where is the online search function for the mailing list and code base? With
GitHub you can use this


and it will search all issues and code for a repository. Cygwin appears to have
no web based way of searching either, besides a Google search. That is sad.

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