On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> It's possible that a site like github has more bandwidth and compute
> power than sourceware.org and doesn't have to worry about bogging down
> the system with malicious search attacks.  We, unfortunately, do.  So,
> while it is possible to turn on searches, it seems like I'd have to
> personally take some time to fixing the viewvc code to mitigate any
> damage from using searches.  That is more effort than I'm willing to go
> to on one person's claim that this functionality is vitally necessary.

You dont want to take the time to fix it? You want to maintain the status quo?
Thats cool. But then dont go complaining on the mailing list when you are
unwilling to take steps to fix it.

I promise you complaining is going to do nothing other than make you feel better

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