On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 15:33:56 +0000 (UTC), "Soren A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>said:
>Actually, my .bashrc is running fine. The Subject: was a honeypot
>AFAICT by reading the Fine Documentation for bash, an *interactive*
>shell (one invoked with the option flag "-i") does *not* automatically
>cause the initialization to include source'ing of .bashrc in the user
>$HOME dir. I have gotten the impression that some people think it does.

Probably because many folks have used/are using Korn shell where if, I think, you do

export ENV=~/.kshrc

then ~/.kshrc is run at each invocation, interactive or not, login or not.

I think.

So, what made you decide to post this?

Matthew O. Persico

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