In an earlier post, Soren A  wrote:

> Donna and Matthew Persico
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote around
> 27 Nov 2002


>> So, what made you decide to post this?
> Scanning recent articles posted to this List. Recollection of past
> experiences. Long-put-off decision to offer this info. Just because,
> basically.

Interesting. I found on a recent install that .bashrc wasn't run, and
certainly on my previous install a year or so ago it was run. The bash
html page in the docs folder has detail about login and interactive
shells and what initiation files are run and following that I put an
explicit command in my .bash_profile file to run the .bashrc I'd copied
from the previous install. Something changed in the set-up somewhere -
not surprising I suppose. And I agree - it's useful to have these
trivial but time consuming points aired on here from time to time.

The login shell stuff sent me to look at the etc/passwd file and the
stuff about that in the cygwin FAQ. As an occasional user of cygwin I
have to say I find these documents written at too high a level to take
in easily. A couple of hours searching for and reading and understanding
docs is way too much for occasional users.


Chris Game <chrisgame@!yahoo!dotcodotuk>

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