On Feb  9 23:26, xian wrote:
> Sorry for the double post, just noticed a very similar thread. I do
> have domain account. What I did now to speed up startup:
> created local db with mkpasswd and mkgroup
> created nsswitch.conf allowing only files to be read.
> Now everything back to normal.
> I read the new DB method is better, but I can access the domain only
> when I make a VPN connection to my company, so for me an offline
> password file works better.

Yes, that's expected.  I'm just wondering if the new documentation at
https://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html is sufficient, or if that
qualifies for another FAQ entry along the lines of

  "Starting a Cygwin shell is slow, what's going on?"

I'd not be overly grudgy if somebody wants to come up with a FAQ text...


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