> On Feb 10, 2015, at 2:38 AM, Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com> 
> wrote:
>  "Starting a Cygwin shell is slow, what's going on?"
> I'd not be overly grudgy if somebody wants to come up with a FAQ text…

I’m not entirely sure I understand the problem, but I’ve attached a starting 

I’m pretty sure the issue brought up in this thread isn’t the only possible 
cause of slow launches.  DNS can do it, too, and I suspect if I wracked my 
brain some more on it, I could come up with other causes.

The DocBook isn’t validated.  It may need to be adjusted before it will let the 
FAQ document build correctly.  It might also be good to include olinks or 
ulinks to other parts of the Cygwin docs.

Attachment: slowtty.dbx
Description: Binary data

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