On Apr 21 19:18, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > It's not about rsync exactly.
> Well, rsync creates that mess somehow.
> > The problem is that I'm missing the
> > context a bit.  I take it the permissions are supposed to be inherited
> > from the ".." dir, basically.  The ".." dir has been created by
> > non-Cygwin means, right?
> Yes, it's the top-level directory of an external disk attached to USB.
> > The "." dir has been created by Cygwin already
> > it seems, but what permissions were desired?  Does it match the
> > expectations or not?
> All directories from here on down have been created by Cygwin / rsync,
> and "." is the target directory of the rsync.
> > The "dir1" and "dir2" directories both have been created by Cygwin,
> > but they are somehow totally wrong.  I don't see how this could occur,
> > even in case the ACL sorting fails at creation time.
> The problem seems to be that without the --acl flag to rsync, it tries
> to chmod the files it copies to the permissions it gets from the source
> file (which would be ---rwx---+).

Hmm.  Can you try the same with the latest developer snapshot I just
created?  I found this problem which created undesired DENY ACEs,
maybe this was the reason /knock on wood/.

But there's still the fact that the ACL isn't ordered the way Cygwin
intends to do it.  That points to another problem in ACL creation.
Either the ACL created at file creation time already hinders Cygwin
to set it straight afterwards, or the created ACL is missing something
so sorting fails.

> > Btw., the getfacl output of dir1 and dir2 don't seem to match the
> > icacls output.  The groups are different.
> Yes, that's likely a fallout from rsync trying to recreate the mode bits
> for a different file owner and group.  On the source tree the file owner
> (a domain user) doesn't have any rights, access is granted by one of the
> share groups (seperately for read-only and modify access) and the filer
> admin group (modify access plus a few more permissions).  None of the
> share groups have permission to modify the DACL and everything gets
> inherited from the root node of the share

Oh well.

> (it's a NetApp, but I don't
> think that factors into that problem other than being the standard setup
> on these files apparently).
> > I wonder if I can create a similar scenario.  Reproducing might be
> > tricky :(
> Let me know if you need more information.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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