Corinna Vinschen writes:
> Hmm.  Can you try the same with the latest developer snapshot I just
> created?  I found this problem which created undesired DENY ACEs,
> maybe this was the reason /knock on wood/.

I ran out of time, but I've managed to install the snapshot and did a
quick test before going home.  The ACL looks saner than before and I can
regain access via chmod, so that's good.  The basic problem however
remains and I'm really not sure if that's a bug in rsync or in Cygwin or
even a bug at all.

The file to be copied has, as stated before, access granted only via a
share group (actually three of them, but that's not a factor).  So
CREATOR OWNER, CREATOR group, the original owner of the file and myself
(owner of the newly created file) have no DACL entry on the original
file and the resulting file mode is "---rwx---+".  For "rsync -av" this
means that after the copy the mode is set to 0060 and that explicitly
locks out (via DENY) CREATOR OWNER CREATOR GROUP and myself.  That gives
the same POSIX modes, but not the same access rights of course.  For
"rsync -av --acls" the same happens and then some ACL are copied over
from the original file, which still doesn't get me access since the
DENY ACL is first in the list.

This might be a hole in the ACL mapping to POSIX file modes.  The way I
see it the reported file mode should actually be "rwxrwx---+" for the
original file since that's the effective access granted by Windows and
there are no POSIX flags on the original file (via NULL SID).  Just like
on POSIX (where it's done via mask) the user flags can only be cleared
in this situation by an explicit chmod (which then gets implemented via
DENY ACL I suppose).

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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