-------- Original Message --------
On May 20, 2015, at 12:36 PM, Spet <sp...@email.it> wrote:

Do it is possible to port this console code to win32 with cygwin?

I was able to get its record.c program to compile without complaints by 
changing the third line from

     #include <linux/soundcard.h>


     #include <sys/soundcard.h>

I don’t get any output when recording in my Windows 10 test VM.  Perhaps that 
would change if I had a real sound source hooked up to it.

Anyway, you’re the one with the itch.  Scratch it. :)

I have compiled. I did not think it was that easy.  Is my first time.
When i execute from dos console:
./generate.exe -b 25 -r 48000 -o out.data /etc/fstab
i obtain:
/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
if is use:
generate.exe -b 25 -r 48000 -o "k:\TEMP\a.txt" c:\cygwin\etc\fstab
It work but not generate sound.
How to use?

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