On May 21, 2015, at 1:03 AM, Spet <sp...@email.it> wrote:
> When i execute from dos console:

Why aren’t you using Cygwin Terminal instead?

The Cygwin Terminal has a huge number of features missing from the Windows 
console, some of which allow it to work better with Cygwin programs.  (UTF-8 
support, for example.)

Meanwhile, the DOS console offers zero advantage over the Cygwin Terminal when 
it comes to running Cygwin executables.

> ./generate.exe -b 25 -r 48000 -o out.data /etc/fstab

You’re trying to send *Cygwin’s* /etc/fstab to another box?  Why?  Typically 
the contents of that file are so trivial that it’s faster to just transcribe 
any changes in it when setting up a new box.

Does "cat /etc/fstab" show something from the Cygwin Terminal?

Anyway, it works here.  I get a 25 MiB sound output file for a 531 byte 

> generate.exe -b 25 -r 48000 -o "k:\TEMP\a.txt" c:\cygwin\etc\fstab

Are you sure you built it with the Cygwin C compiler, and not something else, 
like the MinGW or Visual Studio compilers?  That’s the only explanation I can 
think of for why the POSIX path (/etc/fstab) would fail, but a DOS path would 

I have to ask: Why do you even want this software?  It’s a neat hack, but I’m 
having trouble imagining a situation where you have two computers that each 
have Internet access in order to fetch Cygwin and this file transfer software, 
but they have no way to mutually communicate other than via a highly 
inefficient [*] communication link.

I’ve run into real-world situations where one box doesn’t have Internet access 
and no way to attach an external storage device, so you’re left with hacks like 
uudecode and serial cables, but that doesn’t seem to be what’s going on here.

[*] The Nyquist limit for 48 kHz sampling is 24,000 bps, but the article is 
recommending 25 bps, three orders of magnitude lower.  Even if you could 
approach the Nyquist limit with better encoding, you’re still going to be 
transferring slower than a good RS-232 serial link.
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