On 06/06/2015 16:37, John T. Kerich wrote:
• Check that /usr/bin/xkbcomp can be run from a bash shell. If that
fails, see if cygcheck /usr/bin/xkbcomp reports any missing DLLs.
The cygcheck output looks correct. I assume you also checked that xkbcomp can
be run?
I am not sure what the input file should be see all I see is the error message
"Error: No input file specified". If you know what the path is I will run it
and see if it works.
That's fine, it just shows that xkbcomp does exist and can be run.
If that doesn't help, perhaps you can run 'strace -o log XWin' and attach the
resulting log file?
Log file attached. This is what I see in the Cygwin64 terminal.
Thanks. The interesting bit is:
1 1 [main] sh (8156) **********************************************
54 55 [main] sh (8156) Program name: C:\cygwin64\bin\sh.exe (windows
pid 8156)
22 77 [main] sh (8156) OS version: Windows NT-6.1
20 97 [main] sh (8156) **********************************************
56 153 [main] sh (8156) sigprocmask: 0 = sigprocmask (0, 0x0,
105 258 [main] sh 8156 child_copy: cygheap - hp 0x5F0 low 0x180303400,
high 0x180311008, res 1
20 278 [main] sh 8156 child_copy: done
54 332 [main] sh 8156 open_shared: name shared.5, n 5, shared
0x180030000 (wanted 0x180030000), h 0x6C, *m 6
27 359 [main] sh 8156 user_heap_info::init: heap base 0x600000000, heap
top 0x600000000, heap size 0x20000000 (536870912)
23 382 [main] sh 8156 open_shared: name (null), n 1, shared 0x180020000
(wanted 0x180020000), h 0x54, *m 6
17 399 [main] sh 8156 user_info::create: opening user shared for '' at
18 417 [main] sh 8156 user_info::create: user shared version AB1FCCE8
34 451 [main] sh (8156) open_shared: name cygpid.8156, n 8156, shared
0x180010000 (wanted 0x180010000), h 0x74, *m 6
21 472 [main] sh 8156 time: 1433604545 = time(0x0)
19 491 [main] sh 8156 pinfo::thisproc: myself dwProcessId 8156
24 515 [main] sh 8156 fhandler_pty_slave::fixup_after_fork: /dev/pty0
inherited, usecount 4
19 534 [main] sh 8156 fhandler_pty_slave::fixup_after_fork: /dev/pty0
inherited, usecount 4
19 553 [main] sh 8156 fhandler_pty_slave::fixup_after_fork: /dev/pty0
inherited, usecount 4
26 579 [main] sh 8156 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x324 already
18 597 [main] sh 8156 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x32C already
2204 2801 [main] sh 8156 wsock_init: res 0
50 2851 [main] sh 8156 wsock_init: wVersion 514
19 2870 [main] sh 8156 wsock_init: wHighVersion 514
17 2887 [main] sh 8156 wsock_init: szDescription WinSock 2.0
16 2903 [main] sh 8156 wsock_init: szSystemStatus Running
16 2919 [main] sh 8156 wsock_init: iMaxSockets 0
16 2935 [main] sh 8156 wsock_init: iMaxUdpDg 0
--- Process 8156, exception c0000005 at 000000007764DAE1
641327 37070714 [main] XWin 13060 child_info::sync: pid 8156, WFMO returned 1,
exit_code 0xC000041D, res 0
15 37070729 [waitproc] XWin 13060 pinfo::status_exit: *** STATUS_0xC000041D
212 37070941 [main] XWin 13060 wait4: calling proc_subproc, pid 8156, options 0
1 37070942 [waitproc] XWin 13060 pinfo::maybe_set_exit_code_from_windows:
pid 8156, exit value - old 0x0, windows 0xC000041D, cygwin 0x8007F00
This shows that sh is crashing in some DLL early in the attempt to use
it to run xkbcomp. I'm not quote sure how this translates to
termination status 0x7F00.
Unfortunately strace doesn't quite capture enough information to
identify which DLL.
I've uploaded a patched version which collects more information at [1],
perhaps you download that, put it in /usr/bin and try that strace
command again. (You may need to chmod +x it after downloading)
This is suggestive of some other software interfering with Cygwin somehow.
[1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/x86_64/strace.exe
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