
The img2grd program is a Windows code. The script is using the GMT
software that is freely available, and accessed via Cygwin; can also
work via standard windows batch files to a more restricted degree.

The Windows path definition worked fine, thanks for that

The issue seems to be getting the variables calculated via awk into
the region definition (R). The awk version under Cygwin is Gawk, and
it appears to run without issue, although I cannot get the values out
to check the calculation. The echo command does not give any output.
Awk has to be used as bash does not work with floating point numbers
as far as I can see.

I am slowly working my way through a published script to get it running.


On 23 November 2015 at 14:54, Eliot Moss <m...@cs.umass.edu> wrote:
> If img2grd is a Windows program, then you probably want to
> use cygpath to convert to a suitable Windows path name.  I
> think the forward slashes *may* work, but Windows generally
> does backslashes.
> If img2grd is a cygwin program, you may have greater success
> doing /cygdrive/q than using Q: ...
> In short, Windows style pathnames for Windows programs,
> cygwin style pathnames for cygwin program :-) ...
> Regards -- Eliot Moss

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