On 11/23/15, Lester Anderson <arctica1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Having sorted how to access a separate drive location, I have expanded
> the script to include an awk section which processes new coordinate
> limits which should pass to img2grd to extract the data grids.
> However, the awk scripting does not seem to generate any data - is
> there something I am missing? Modified from a published script

As has already been pointed out, the read isn't going to get envars
set the way you want, so call another script with the proper
variables.  And AWK is going to want to read input, so you need to put
everything inside BEGIN{ "your stuff here" ; exit }
And I use -v and single quotes with awk ,so how about something like

awk  -v lon_min="$lon_min" -v lon_max="$lon_max" -v lat_min="$lat_min" \
     -v lat_max="$lat_max" -v R_d="$R_d" -v R_i="$R_i" \
  ... etc ...
      cmd=sprintf("%s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
                  "echo ", on_e_min,lon_e_max,lat_e_min,lat_e_max,lon_i_min,

.. you need to write your own secondary script & not use "echo"


> #!/bin/bash
> ruta_elev="Q:/geophys/Potential-field datasets/Topography/topo_17.1.img"
> ruta_grav="Q:/geophys/Potential-field datasets/Gravity/grav.img.23.1"
> lon_min=-12
> lon_max=0
> lat_min=28
> lat_max=39
> R_d=167
> R_i=20
> echo $lon_min $lon_max $lat_min $lat_max $R_d $R_i |
> awk "{R_t=6370;
>       pi=3.14159;
>       lat_av=(($lat_max+$lat_min)/2)*(pi/180.);
>       lon_av=(($lon_min+$lon_max)/2);
>       d_lat_e=($R_d/R_t)*180./pi;
>       d_lon_e=($R_d/(R_t*cos(lat_av)))*180./pi;
>       d_lat_i=($R_i/R_t)*180./pi;
>       d_lon_i=($R_i/(R_t*cos(lat_av)))*180./pi;
>       lon_e_min=$lon_min-d_lon_e;
>       lon_e_max=$lon_max+d_lon_e;
>       lat_e_min=$lat_min-d_lat_e;
>       lat_e_max=$lat_max+d_lat_e;
>       lon_i_min=$lon_min-d_lon_i;
>       lon_i_max=$lon_max+d_lon_i;
>       lat_i_min=$lat_min-d_lat_i;
>       lat_i_max=$lat_max+d_lat_i;
>       print
> lon_e_min,lon_e_max,lat_e_min,lat_e_max,lon_i_min,lon_i_max,lat_i_min,lat_i_max,lat_av*180./pi,lon_av;
> }" | read lon_e_min lon_e_max lat_e_min lat_e_max lon_i_min lon_i_max
> lat_i_min lat_i_max lat_av lon_av
> proj='m'$lon_av'/'$lat_av'/16'
> echo $lon_e_min $lon_e_max $lat_e_min $lat_e_max $lon_i_min $lon_i_max
> $lat_i_min $lat_i_max $lat_av $lon_av
> #
> img2grd "$ruta_elev"  -V -T1
> -R$lon_e_min/$lon_e_max/$lat_e_min/$lat_e_max -S1 -Gelev.grd -I1m -D
> img2grd "$ruta_grav" -T1 -V
> -R$lon_e_min/$lon_e_max/$lat_e_min/$lat_e_max -S0.1 -GFA.grd -I1m -D
> #
> Any pointers on this, thanks
> Lester

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