On Dec 21 17:30, Houder wrote:
> Hi Corinna,
> For next year !!!!! (posted as a reminder) ... See below.

Next year?  Nope... see below.

> Regards,
> Henri
> 64-%% uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1 Seven 2.4.0(0.292/5/3) 2015-12-21 13:10 x86_64 Cygwin
> 64-%% touch bar.txt
> 64-%% getfacl bar.txt
> # file: bar.txt
> # owner: Henri
> # group: None
> user::rw-
> group::r--
> other:r--
> 64-%% setfacl -m g:None:rw- -x g:None: bar.txt # add and delete ...
> 64-%% getfacl bar.txt
> # file: bar.txt
> # owner: Henri
> # group: None
> user::rw-
> group::r--
> group:None:rwx <==== surprise! (this one, I did not even specify!)
> mask:rwx
> other:r--

Heh.  I added a mode to allow modify and delete in a single command but
didn't actually handle it in the code.  I'm sure I tested it at one
point... or... at least... planned to test it... uhm...

> in stead of the last 'setfacl' command above:
> 64-%% setfacl -x g:None: bar.txt
> 64-%% getfacl bar.txt
> # file: bar.txt
> # owner: Henri
> # group: None
> user::rw-
> group::r--
> mask:r-- <==== uhm, superfluous ...

But the same behaviour as with Linux setfacl.  You did *not* request to
delete the mask, after all.

Just uploaded a 0.16 test release to fix the -m/-x...


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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