On 2015-12-22 12:37, Houder wrote:
On 2015-12-21 18:25, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Dec 21 17:30, Houder wrote:
Hi Corinna,

For next year !!!!! (posted as a reminder) ... See below.

Next year?  Nope... see below.

Hi Corinna,

Thank you for all the hard work you do ...

As an encore (for this year though ;-). See below (Cygwin-2.4.0-0.16). <==== 16

64-%% setfacl -m m:rwx bar.txt
64-%% getfacl bar.txt
# file: bar.txt
# owner: Henri
# group: None
mask:rwx <==== yes, as requested by me, but ...

64-%% ls -l bar.txt
-rw-rwxr-- 1 Henri None 0 Dec 22 12:21 bar.txt

 - does this output make sense?
   (no access to Linux at the moment; cannot verify)

Just got myself access to Linux (FC19) ... old, yes.

FC19 has the same "weird" (to me) behaviour as Cygwin now has. The
difference is that 'ls -l' on FC19 shows an additional plus sign.

As follows:

-rw-rwxr--+ 1 Henri ... bar.txt

So, the definition of the mask entry is slightly different than I
argued in my post before this one -- ... continued (2) --.



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