On Apr 13, 2016, at 6:56 AM, KARL BOTTS <kdbo...@usa.net> wrote:
> why didn't MS just arrange to support Cygwin more
> directly, e.g., make a "blessed" distribution mechanism for Cygwin available
> to their users?

Many reasons.

The first must be licensing.  Realize that UfW is a kernel-level feature, which 
means adopting Cygwin into Windows would taint the kernel with the GPL.  That’s 
a complete non-starter for Microsoft.

Second, this new mechanism uses the NT subsystems feature, which means the WSL 
(Windows Subsystem for Linux) API isn’t available to programs built against the 
regular Windows API, since that’s a different subsystem.  Any given program can 
run against only one NT subsystem.  That means Cygwin can’t “just” call the new 
fork() WSL syscall.

Third, given a choice between the Cygwin package repo and the Ubuntu package 
repo, well, no contest, yes?  That’s also why Ubuntu and not, say, Fedora or 
Arch; Microsoft chose the biggest single package repo available.

> I do not think they have really considered the integration issues that Cygwin
> has mostly solved.

Since when has Microsoft ever been immune from NIH syndrome?

> small things like cygpath

A cygpath like facility is neither useful nor needed in UfW.  The programs run 
in their own Ubuntu world, and can’t talk to native Windows .exes directly.  
The only access to Windows paths is through /mnt/c and such.  Within the UfW 
world, there are only POSIX paths.

> Remember, they have tried basically the same thing at least twice before: the
> "POSIX Subsystem" of WinNT

Yes, and this is another such subsystem, with the same powers and limitations.

The big difference this time is that it isn’t a gimped bare-bones POSIX 
subsystem, it’s a gimped Ubuntu subsystem.  Ubuntu with severe limitations is 
still highly useful; witness Raspian.

> And PowerShell is sort of another try

Oh, I don’t know about that.  PowerShell is the result of looking at all the 
things that suck about cmd.exe and POSIX shells and trying to solve them all at 
once while disregarding what made them useful.

PowerShell ended up semi-useless for the same reason that a Perl or Python 
shell for Linux would be semi-useless: too much typing for day-to-day 
interactive use, no discoverability, and cryptic but Googleable one-line error 
messages replaced with programmer-geek stack traces.

Someone told the PowerShell developers that the great thing about the POSIX 
shells is that they let you write programs, not just execute programs, so they 
said, “well, what sort of programming tools do we have…I know, .NET!” and 
wrapped that world in a shell.  But that’s no more use as an interactive 
command shell than irb would be on Linux.

Then you get the Stockholm Syndrome victims claiming that streams of objects 
are inherently superior to streams of bytes because they don’t require parsing. 
 Never mind problems of discovery; no one ever created a POSIX shell IDE — who 
ever needed one? — but PowerShell without the IDE is nearly useless for 
anything complicated, because its APIs are hidden behind object interfaces, 
discoverable only through the reflection APIs and MSDN.

But to drag all of this back on topic, UfW is Microsoft saying, “Yes, we know 
we screwed up.  Please accept this full apology.”  A whole lot of people are 
going to accept that gratefully.

You can disregard a whole lot of the limitations with regard to Cygwin, too.  
Free and included in the box beats better-but-third-party in almost every case. 
 Witness the long years of IE in the 60-90% market share range.  It took 
national government level lawsuits and years of competition to break its hold 
on the market.

> do you all know
> that they started from the old ksh sources, somehow?

I can believe early prototypes did, but I doubt any of that remains in the 
current implementation.  It certainly doesn’t show in actual use of the shell.  
If any of that code remained, you would imagine some kind of user-visible 
residue, like the availability of heredocs.

> trying to pipe PS output into a bash script, or vice versa, is a
> nightmare.  I have given up.

That happens because PowerShell cmdlets are context-sensitive, and thus may 
give different output when run interactively vs when run in a pipeline.

Every cmdlet emits a list of objects, not a list of text, so when run 
interactively, PowerShell calls the objects’ ToString() method to get the 
displayed output.  When you then try to grep (or sls) that, it often fails 
because the object representation doesn’t have the target string.

One solution is to put “| out-string -stream” between the source and the sink, 
to force everything to its text representation.

This is the discoverability problem I brought up above.

On a POSIX system, you run a command and see what you have to work with, and 
can directly devise a solution given the example above your command line in the 
scroll buffer.

Under PowerShell, you run a command line, get a given output, but then still 
have no obvious solution because the command’s representation may materially 
change in a pipeline, so now you have to go chasing through the MSDN docs or 
reflection APIs to work out how to crawl its list-of-objects representation.

> At the end of the day, mass Windows users just don't get the whole idea of a
> shell as an integrator of software tools.

Your statement is a tautology: once someone learns a POSIX shell, whether it’s 
under Linux, OS X, Cygwin, or Ubuntu for Windows, they are not longer “mass 
Windows users”.

In other words, it is only a correct statement because “mass Windows users” 
haven’t seen a shell done properly.  As soon as they do see it, they no longer 
fall into that category.

> suspect that will lead MS to screw up their Unix environment, to make it more
> friendly to their primary user base.  Which will make it useless to me.

I think you haven’t been paying attention to the revolution in progress at 
Microsoft under Nadella.

The primary target for this tool set are all the mainstream Windows developers 
looking at cloud and mobile deployment.  Microsoft is finally getting that 
Windows-in-the-Cloud is a non-starter for most applications and that Windows 
Mobile is a flop, so they’re embracing these other platforms, starting with 
Azure years ago, through open-sourced .NET tooling, then .NET Core, the 
purchase of Xamarin, and now UfW.

Basically, Microsoft wants you to use their tooling, no matter where you 
deploy.  That keeps them relevant, so that even if you don’t deploy primarily 
on Windows, you will still develop there, so that Windows apps developed that 
way won’t look like third-party platform ports like you get on OS X and Linux.

A concrete example: All those soul-patch web developers choose to carry Mac 
laptops not just because they’re the hipster choice, but because Node runs much 
better under OS X than Windows.  That proposition wholly changes in this UfW 
world: run node.js in the Ubuntu box and connect to it over the OS’s shared 
network stack from the Windows GUI browser of your choice.

Microsoft must be getting mighty sick of seeing rows and rows of Apple logos on 
laptops in the audiences at the Build conference every year.  UfW is one way 
they’re trying to change that.

> I'll give it a year or two to settle

I expect it to be quite usable in a matter of months.  Microsoft can move 
awfully fast once the fires get lit.

> I just hope it does not interfere too much with my Cygwin setup

UfW will be completely independent of Cygwin.  More’s the pity, because it 
means you’ll be incentivized to choose one or the other, likely to Cygwin’s net 
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