Greetings, John Cowan!

> Andrey Repin scripsit:

>> Of course, it is efficient.
>> More efficient, than starting a shell each time I need to diff a file.
>> Or 2-3 shells, if you call a wrapper. Which is least efficient, considering
>> retarded CMD quoting rules.

> I always have 2-3 shells running,

Having shells running, and having 2-3 shells start between a request and the
result is not quite the same thing, don't you think?

> more if I am editing a lot of files.

Having shells running for file editing? Sorry, what year you are living in?

> But you live in a GUI world and I live in a CLI world.


> This very email, for example, like almost all my personal emails, is being
> written from inside mutt using 'ex'.

That's your choice. Email client and browser is about all GUI apps I use
daily. Oh, wait. A download client is GUI too.
The rest is console. (Google "Far manager" one day. That's my #1, #2 and #3
tool for any given task. Except those two mentioned above.)

> And no, cmd does not count as a shell.

And yes, it do counts as a shell. By definition.

>> Moral is a relative category.

> If you don't know what "moral equivalent" means, either say so or look it up.

I know. Doesn't change my reply even a single bit.
Morale is a relative category. If YOUR understanding of "morale" includes a
given set of characteristics, this doesn't mean that everyone's definition of
"morale" includes the same set of characteristics.
What YOU considering "moral equivalent" may not be the case for someone else.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, April 18, 2016 00:02:42

Sorry for my terrible english...

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