On 4/18/2016 1:44 AM, Herbert Stocker wrote:
> On 17.04.2016 23:27, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Greetings, John Cowan!
>>> Andrey Repin scripsit:
>>>> Of course, it is efficient.
>>>> More efficient, than starting a shell each time I need to diff a file.
>>>> Or 2-3 shells, if you call a wrapper. Which is least efficient,
>>>> considering
>>>> retarded CMD quoting rules.
>>> I always have 2-3 shells running,
>> Having shells running, and having 2-3 shells start between a request
>> and the
>> result is not quite the same thing, don't you think?
>>> more if I am editing a lot of files.
>> Having shells running for file editing? Sorry, what year you are
>> living in?
> Editors like vim and others do have advances that other editors don't
> have. It's not a question of year, it's a question of preference.
> And of whether one goes over a high learning curve (like you also did,
> i know) or a shallow one and stays there. (like some i have to do with
> daily).

All editors are the color of blue, it's the shade of blue that you're
talking about. :D  When I first started working the only editor being
used by the ones that came before me was a line editor.  After I was
employed and started using a visual editor that incorporated a macro key
command everyone else came to me to learn that editor.  The point of an
editor is to do editing, some of those editors allow that to happen in a
faster fashion.  The faster you can produce the better you look to the
employer or client.

>>> But you live in a GUI world and I live in a CLI world.
>> WHAT?
> i for example live in both worlds. GUI for many things, and CLI for
> those things where the GUI exposes its shortcomings. That's why i say
> Cygwin makes that OS complete.

A friend of mine says "Those who prefer a GUI have no CLUI."  You can
often be faster using CLUI (or CLI) than with a GUI.

>>> And no, cmd does not count as a shell.
>> And yes, it do counts as a shell. By definition.
> Using cmd to argue about cli is a mistake.

Again, cmd.exe is a shell that can be executed within the MinTTY
terminal.  Windows provides a default terminal for the cmd shell.  But
you're correct it is off topic.

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