On January 11, 2017 3:41:42 AM EST, Marco Atzeri  wrote:
>To: cygwin-annou...@cygwin.com
>Subject: Updated: lapack-3.7.0-1
>New versions  lapack-3.7.0-1 of
>lapack (source)
>are available in the Cygwin distribution, 32 and 64 bit :

Is anyone else having problems with ...-Doc hanging with a pop-up, "unable to 
extract /use/share/man/man3/zhbev.3.gz. The file is in use or some other error 
occurred. Please stop all cygwin processes and select retry or select continue 
to go on anyway (the file will be updated after a reboot)."

Then when I hit continue, setup hangs there until hitting cancel. I've tried a 
few times, uninstall and reinstall.

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