On 31.5.2017 17:04, Wayne Davison wrote:
On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 2:48 AM, David Balažic wrote:
it does not scroll the package list, instead it changes the selection
in the mentioned drop down menu.
One thing you should be able to do to work around this is to go to the
mouse settings and enable the "Scroll inactive windows when I hover
over them" option. That allows you to scroll the list as long as your
mouse is pointing at it.

In fact, this workaround depends on concrete mouse driver. On my system neither "HP Mouse Control center" nor "Mouse properties" in Control panel have "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" option.

Only workaround I found is to move focus to Search box.

Another problem with package list is this: Package's new status is changing by clicking only to "New" column with one exception. If status is "Keep", it is changed to "Uninstall" after click (even accidental) to any other column.

Perhaps someone more experienced than I will be so kind and make corrections.
Thanks in advance.


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