On 02/06/2017 17:55, Vlado wrote:
On 2.6.2017 17:49, Wayne Davison wrote:
There are also some tools you
can use on prior Windows versions. For instance, search the web for

I still hope somebody will fix the bug. :-)

Me too.  Oh wait... :S

After a bit more investigation, I'm not actually sure what is claimed to be the bug is here.

On previous versions of Windows, we don't have the "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" option, so we always get the behaviour that when the focus is on the "View" drop-down list, scrolling the mouse wheel moves up and down that list.

But surely this is right (if unhelpful), that's where the focus is, after all...

(Up until 2.875, this was a button which cycled around the possible views, rather than a drop-down list, so we didn't have this problem)

This unhelpfulness is compounded by the fact that clicking in the package list does not move the focus to it (because we use some home-grown monstrosity rather than a list control), so perhaps that is what should be fixed?

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