On 8/21/2018 11:52 AM, cyg Simple wrote:
> I've been reviewing the testing of gettext and I have a failure for all
> of the acl tests.  I've found that a file without acl will obtain acl if
> the mode is changed to 605. STC below.
> <STC>
> $ touch /tmp/tmpfile0
> $ ls -l /tmp/tmpfile0
> -rw-r--r-- 1 myUser myGroup 0 Aug 21 11:35 /tmp/tmpfile0
> $ getfacl /tmp/tmpfile0
> # file: /tmp/tmpfile0
> # owner: myUser
> # group: myGroup
> user::rw-
> group::r--
> other:r--
> $ chmod 600
> $ ls -l /tmp/tmpfile0
> -rw------- 1 myUser myGroup 0 Aug 21 11:35 /tmp/tmpfile0
> $ getfacl /tmp/tmpfile0
> # file: /tmp/tmpfile0
> # owner: myUser
> # group: myGroup
> user::rw-
> group::---
> other:---
> $ chmod 605
> $ ls -l /tmp/tmpfile0
> -rw----r-x+ 1 myUser myGroup 0 Aug 21 11:35 /tmp/tmpfile0
> $ getfacl /tmp/tmpfile0
> # file: /tmp/tmpfile0
> # owner: myUser
> # group: myGroup
> user::rw-
> group::---
> other:r-x
> user:myUser:---
> </STC>
> gettext loops through a number of modes and fortunately one of those had
> an owner and other without the group. Anytime the other is set without
> the owner or group having permission we get an ACL for the user which is
> wrong.  A `setfacl -b /tmp/tmpfile0` doesn't correct the information
> from getfacl.

During the testing at least one of the tests does `setfacl -m group:0:1
tmpfile0`.  Obviously this gets a 'permission denied' error as group 0
doesn't exist.  What do you suggest for reasonable replacement for 0?
I'm thinking 11(Authenticated Users) as the purpose of the test is to
determine if the use of `set_acl (file, -1, mode);` will reset to a file
without acl.

cyg Simple

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