Greetings, cyg Simple!

> On 8/21/2018 4:13 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Greetings, cyg Simple!
>>> During the testing at least one of the tests does `setfacl -m group:0:1
>>> tmpfile0`.  Obviously this gets a 'permission denied' error as group 0
>>> doesn't exist.  What do you suggest for reasonable replacement for 0?
>> Nothing. Not all systems have a concept of "group 0". Just skip this test.

> I'm not interested in skipping the test; after all the path for the test
> is Cygwin specific.

Then contact the author of these tests and find out what they were thinking
creating them.

> It's just not the correct thing to do for the Cygwin specific path.

That's exactly what I said.
This is just not the right thing to test under Cygwin.

> I believe 11 to be the correct test and will pursue that upstream.

I strongly suggest learning the original intent of the test, before any

> Marco suggested maybe 544(Administrator) but that doesn't work with a
> typical user build while doing the same in Linux for root group 0 as a
> typical user I would need to have elevated privilege in Windows to use 544.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 11:59:44

Sorry for my terrible english...

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