> But it gets even weirder.  Below are two _consecutive!_ runs of ldd on the 
> very same executable.  Why the output differs so drastically (including the 
> unknown dlls all of a sudden)?

Another round of consecutive calls of ldd on the very same executable file, and 
a similar "indeterministic" result (the executable itself is much simpler than 
the one from my previous post, so the list of DLLs is quite short):

        ntdll.dll => /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ffc339d0000)
        KERNEL32.DLL => /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL 
        KERNELBASE.dll => /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNELBASE.dll 
        cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll => /usr/bin/cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll (0x3ee3a0000)
        ??? => ??? (0xc90000)
        cygwin1.dll => /cygdrive/u/2.4.0/release/Cygwin-64/bin/cygwin1.dll 

        ntdll.dll => /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x7ffc339d0000)
        KERNEL32.DLL => /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNEL32.DLL 
        KERNELBASE.dll => /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/KERNELBASE.dll 
        cygwin1.dll => /cygdrive/u/2.4.0/release/Cygwin-64/bin/cygwin1.dll 
        cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll => /usr/bin/cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll (0x3ee3a0000)

How can that be?

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