On 09/07/2019 17:40, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2019-07-08 12:00, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via cygwin wrote:
Well, I don't think there's anything special that Cygwin does to load
executables, because these are essentially Windows processes, so they are
loaded by Windows, first and foremost.
But it gets even weirder. Below are two _consecutive!_ runs of ldd on the very
same executable. Why the output differs so drastically (including the unknown
dlls all of a sudden)?
This is probably a 'bug'.
Libraries may be loaded asynchronously as they are accessed, and ldd just dumps
the dll import table once the subprocess is ready to run.
Perhaps these are import entries that ldd should detect and skip or annotate in
some more useful way.
Please don't spread misinformation based upon guessing how Cygwin's ldd
It's not necessary, as the source code is available [1] :)
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