On 2019-09-04 23:29, Brian Inglis wrote:
> As standard on Unix systems, just add another level of quoting for each level 
> of
> interpretation, as bash will process that command line, then bash will process
> the script command line.

My mistake - I'm very aware of the quoting rules, yet in my test script for this
scenario I forgot to quote the arguments. However, if POSIX rules are being
implemented, there is still something I didn't expect. Here's my bash script:

echo "$1"
echo "$2" 
echo "$3"

And I invoke it like this from a Windows command prompt:

C:\> bash -x script.sh foo bar\"baz bat
+ echo foo
+ echo 'bar\baz bat'
bar\baz bat
+ echo ''

Not expected. Called from within Cygwin, the behavior is correct:

$ bash -x script.sh foo bar\"baz bat
+ echo foo
+ echo 'bar"baz'
+ echo bat

Can you explain this difference? The reason I ask is that if this worked,
the way Go constructs the command line string would be just fine.


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