On 9/5/19 1:31 PM, Stephen Provine via cygwin wrote:
> My mistake - I'm very aware of the quoting rules, yet in my test script for 
> this
> scenario I forgot to quote the arguments. However, if POSIX rules are being
> implemented, there is still something I didn't expect. Here's my bash script:
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "$1"
> echo "$2" 
> echo "$3"
> And I invoke it like this from a Windows command prompt:
> C:\> bash -x script.sh foo bar\"baz bat
> + echo foo
> foo
> + echo 'bar\baz bat'
> bar\baz bat
> + echo ''
> Not expected.

Why not? That obeyed cmd's odd rules: The moment you have a " in the
command line, that argument continues until end of line or the next "
(regardless of how many \ precede the ").


Perhaps you meant to try:

c:\> bash -x script.sh foo ^"bar\^"baz^" bat

> Called from within Cygwin, the behavior is correct:
> $ bash -x script.sh foo bar\"baz bat
> + echo foo
> foo
> + echo 'bar"baz'
> bar"baz
> + echo bat
> bat

Moral of the story: POSIX rules are saner than cmd rules.

> Can you explain this difference? The reason I ask is that if this worked,
> the way Go constructs the command line string would be just fine.

If Go is not constructing the command line string in a manner that
matches that blog post, the bug would be in Go.  Presumably, Cygwin is
correctly quoting things any time it calls into a non-Cygwin process
(but if not, give us a test case for us to patch cygwin, or even better
submit the patch).

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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